
Archive for March, 2009

New Stuff

Since I’m having technical difficulties with my website, I’ll post some random new stuff here. But I’m going to have a website done soon! Very soon….

this is an old illustration of WWI fighter planes that I revisited recently.

WWI fighter planes

coffee seven days a week!

coffee seven days a week!

I used to not drink coffee…but that was back when I got 8 hours of sleep every night… So now I’m more productive and drink coffee every morning  =]



This was an assignment to create a family seal of sorts. My last name means, “flat-footed,” in Arabic so I thought it would be funny to incorporate that into my family seal haha!

painted skateboard deck

painted skateboard deck


This logo (without the background splatter) won a T-shirt design contest at Parsons, but somehow the T-shirts never got printed and I never saw a check. Ah, funding.

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As per request, I’m posting my thesis project. I did 12 oil paintings (and inhaled way too much turpentine in the process) but I’m happy with the way the colors turned out.  It’s a series about a kid that lies about all these cool adventures…  I’m now working on a children’s book that uses a couple of these images but it has a much better story line… 


he claims to grow up in Paris

he claims to grow up in Paris


a roller coaster in his backyard

and builds a roller coaster in his backyard


he eats worms for a month on a dare

he eats worms for a month on a dare


the bravest lion tamer

the bravest lion tamer in the traveling circus


caught a monstrous octopus

wrestles with a monstrous octopus


digs to China

digs all the way to China


taking his pet dinosaur for a walk

takes his pet dinosaur for a walk


he's also got a robot to clean up after him and play video games

he's also got a robot to clean up after him and play video games


then he goes on vacation to the moon

then he goes on vacation to the moon



builds a time machine to travel to the future...


a swimming pool filled with gold treasure

owns a swimming pool filled with golden treasures


and finally, he's the king of a foreign country

and finally, he's the king of a foreign country

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